Emily Stedman Watercolor Artist
Interested in acquiring watercolor paintings? Contact: emily@emilystedman.com

Watercolor on paper 24 in x 18 in 2010 Older male nude, sitting with a slight smile on his face.

Watercolor on paper 2010 Large woman, standing with colorful background

Watercolor on paper 24 in x 18 in 2010 The modern woman, sitting naked by herself, while the rhythms of life pulse outside the window.

Watercolor on paper 22 in x 30 in 2014 His chest is thrust out as his iconic cape billows around the challenging winds of adversity, setting the stage for the day to be saved. Once again. With a lifted chin, keen gaze and implacable mind, our hero never rests. When duty calls, this man of action springs into the fray and we can be assured of the right ending. Goodness will prevail and evil will be punished. Again. And once he has set all to right, he can fade back into that mist from which he pe

Watercolor on paper 30 in x 22 in 2015 There outside the window, barreling along through another heedless day, sun and movement and bright activity demand attention and participation without reward or acknowledgement. The sun hits the glass but an odd, slender sensation of coolness abides where each crossed bar stands resolute against the rays bludgeoning the very quietness of the air. Tom’s skin welcomes each thin nearly imperceptible stripe of coolness thrown between the broad squares of sunli

July 10, 1856 – January 7, 1943 Watercolor on paper 18 in x 24 in 2014 Born of a time of smoke, darkness and piety, Nikola Tesla retreated into the richness of his never quiet thoughts and strode across a world stage to dominate vast fields of research and technology. So much smarter than the tinkerers and small men with grabbing hands and grubby minds; how could he not blaze ahead of them all? And how could all that turmoil, intention, and lasered success devolve to this closed off desolation w

Watercolor on paper 22 in x 30 in 2014 The gentle uplift of butterflies wings. Lightness. Saturated sun, warm to the core for the first time in ages, everyone, every thing in every direction pulls in the mild unfamiliar air that tastes of life again. Again, movement. Again ease of being, shared up and down the continuum from the hatchlings straining for a glimpse outside the nest to the palest green nodding leaves that top each tree, to hair on the nape of a slender neck. Limbs unencumbered and

Watercolor on paper 30 in x 24 in 2014 "After all, I probably wouldn’t be texting him yet either if I’d spent the night at his place. Let’s move on, shall we? (Hmmmm, hitting the cardio harder all last month really seems to be paying off). I am not going to be the first one to cave in and text. He knows where I am; he has my number. Funny, too, I really thought there was a connection there, something deeper than the sex. I could send him a selfie; I mean check out how the light is picking up h

Watercolor on paper 24 in x 18 in 2014 Just like her mother and grandmother, she is hidden royalty. Draping the new silky scarf over her head, Linda knows that, with both feet planted solid and strong, she is the queen in this kingdom. She can love where fear picks at the edges. There are many who can’t and there is not a thing to do but keep loving, keep ruling with her gentle touch. Linda eases into each next day with her quiet certainty that all is as it should be no matter how it looks here
"The way Stedman paints is just as organic as her subject matter.
She doesn’t meticulously mix colors, but instead throws the paints onto the parchment and allows the colors to mix.
For the dark skin of the male ... Stedman threw down yellow and purple and allowed the complementary colors to mingle and create brown.”
~Josey Bartlett, Art Editor,
Queens Chronicle
Storytelling, an integral part of my nudes, is a part of life, intrinsic to most cultures. Stories help people make sense of the world.
While the nude transcends time, the telling of stories too is as basic to human beings as eating.
Maybe more so, since while food allows us to live, stories are what make our lives worth living.