Emily Stedman Watercolor Artist
Interested in acquiring watercolor paintings? Contact: emily@emilystedman.com
Enchanted Places
These watercolor paintings suggest the emotional state of being you feel when you have been affected
by a special location you can’t forget, no matter how long ago you were there.
Not content to simply record the reality of a location, my transparent watercolor paintings capture the colors and feelings that are evoked when something familiar and well traveled suddenly appears fresh and new again.
I find inspiration in memory and the everyday world. Italy, Ireland, England, and several States are some of the locations that I have painted to express a place etched in enduring memory.

Watercolor on paper 15 in x 22 in. Private Collection.

Watercolor on paper. 12 x 16 in. Private collection.

Watercolor on paper 18 in x 14 in

Watercolor on Paper 20 in x 14 in Private collection Hibiscus plant on the roof on Greenwich Street overlooking the Hudson River.

18 in x 24 in Watercolor on paper Private Collection. The flower market in Cuenca Ecuador is located in the Plazoleta del Carmen, in front of the church El Carmen de la Asunción across from the New Cathedral. The flowers are always fresh. Have you been here?

18 in x 24 in Watercolor on paper. To create a great Panama Hat is no easy task. There are several complicated steps, and each one is equally important if the final product is to be of high quality. Learn how it’s done: http://www.brentblack.com/pages/history.html

Watercolor on paper 16 in x 12 in. Rocks, glowing by the light of salt ocean and sky are full of ragged textures and rise steeply from the water on Monhegan Island. Be careful when walking. They can be dangerous. If you slip into the water, you will surely drown, as the current and ocean waves are not forgiving.

Watercolor on paper 16 in x 12 in. Monhegan Island, Maine. A cloudy day in August, overlooking the harbor.

Watercolor on paper 15 in x 22 in Painting done with watercolor on paper of an old church with afternoon shadows in Avignon, France Old Church in Avignon, FR