Emily Stedman Watercolor Artist
Interested in acquiring watercolor paintings? Contact: emily@emilystedman.com
Captured Moments—An Artist's Slice On Life
NOHO M55 Gallery—April 25 - May 13, 2017
The recent exhibition at NOHO M55 Gallery explores our longing for a sense of coherence in a changing world. Through the use of transparent watercolor, compositions are created from photos, on-site sketches and paintings. Emily's use of a natural palette and summer colors and her heart felt artistic approach creates lively and timeless visual narratives.
Postmen at Bronx Courthouse, watercolor on paper, 34 inches x 27 inches
Afternoon at the Morris-Jumel Mansion, watercolor on paper, 20 inches x 27 inches
“The drawing and research for a painting takes the majority of time; while the actual application of the paint is quick, splashing, allowing the colors to mix on the page.” ~~Emily Stedman
Captured Moments — An Artist’s Slice On Life contains stories observed from life and interpreted through the medium of watercolor. These paintings portray a gentler world. They remind us that small important bits of life do not really change, in spite of the many problems in the world.
NOHO M55 Gallery: 530 W. 25th St., New York, NY 10001
(Between 10th and 11th Ave)
Thursday, April 27th, 2017, from 5pm-7pm
Exhibit Dates: April 25th - May 13th, 2017